Wedding Event Blog

Browsing Archive: July, 2012

wedding pHoTography by nEhAd

Posted by on Thursday, July 26, 2012, In : PAN PACIFIC SONARGOAN HOTEL 

wEdding pHoTography by nEhAd

talk to us :::
01719 344 312
01619 344 312
01919 344 312

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Shaan's 1st Birthday Planning. by

Posted by on Thursday, July 19, 2012, In : Gaviar Resturant 

your complete party Planners. for Birthday & Baby shower.

talk to us :::
01719 344 312
01619 344 312

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Wedding pHoTOgraphy as arts by nEhAd

Posted by Wedding pHoTOgraphy as arts by nEhAd on Thursday, July 19, 2012, In : Falcon Hall 

wedding Photography by nEhad

talk to us :::
01719 344 312
01619 344 312
01919 344 312

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Why We

1. Your one stop shop for designer weddings.

2. Uniqueness to your wedding event.

3. Strong network to offer you various specialties from different cities of Bangladesh.

4. Designer touch to enhance the ambiance.

5. Highly cost effective.

6. We help you to figure out the best service providers of your town.

7. High professionalism and dedication.

8. Covering every aspect of wedding and giving a symmetric touch to it.

9. Our development department gives new concepts and designs.

10. Hassle free Wedding.

11. Working to exacting standards and timely delivery.

12. Ensuring that all the dealings with clients and suppliers are carried out with integrity and honesty and complete transparent manner


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Forever My Love Will Be


When troubles bring you down

and you don't know what to do,

just look inside your heart

and you'll know that I love you.


Everyone has a destiny to find,

looking in your eyes I have found mine.

You're all I ever wanted,

you're all I'll ever need.


I will be yours always,

you will have my love for eternity.

Heart To Heart


Sometimes in this lifetime,

we meet a special soul,

who fills our very essence,

to almost overflow,

we drink the cup of friendship,

it tastes like ruby wine,

and you know within your heart,

this meeting was Divine.

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